
Children's different treatments

When talking about children’s different treatments in both China and USA, I think the biggest difference is the concept of “choices”. In fact, a huge number of Chinese children do not have many choices during their growing up, in other words, we had better followed our parents or the whole society guidelines. Sometimes children feel so tired, because they have a big stress to be the person which their parents want them to be. It is normal that children have a lot of homework even they are only 6 or 7 years old. The relationship between children and their parents just like students and teachers. While on the other hand, as I said before, most Chinese families only have one child. That brings a lot of question to the young generation. Many of them feel lonely in spirit because no siblings share their happiness and sorrow.

Compared with China, I think American children have more colorful childhood. As I know form my friends or TV shows, American children have more choices during their own lives. They do not have much stress to satisfy their parents. I saw from my host family that children in family are totally equal to parents. They are encouraged to express their own ideas and critical thinking, even though some of these are very different with their parents’.
Actually, with the world contact with each other more frequently, a lot of Chinese parents change their ways to educate children and become much more flexible, but homework is still a big problem for kids. I am so lucky for my great parents, and they gave me a very beautiful childhood with no pressure to be a successful person in their mind. They just want me and my younger brother fell happy on both physical and mental in our whole life. Expect the boring homework, I had a perfect childhood.


Two Kinds of Families

          When talking about family, Chinese families had been divided two kinds. First is modern family, the other is traditional family. Most modern family existed in cities, and they are similar to US families. Young couples do not live with their parents and have higher divorce rate. Because young generations do not live together with their grandparents and other relatives, their relationships may not so close to each other.

         However, the traditional kind is really different. I lived in a traditional family for 20 years. In my family, my grandparents, parents, my uncle’s family, my brother and me we lived together. Divorce is seen as a shame in most traditional families, so this kind of family is more stable. My childhood was spent with all my cousins. The relationships between whole family members are so strong. Many friends envied me have a big family, but sometimes I felt uncomfortable for the conflicts. Different generations have different thoughts. Sometimes young generations have more conflicts with the oldest generations. And the relationship between mothers and grandmothers are a big problem in traditional families. Although there are many problems, I still love to live in a traditional family. Just as grandma in the Latehomecomer, I think the whole family should get together. Family is the most important part of our life. In a big family I can feel more warmness and never lonely. Learn to deal with different relationships’ conflicts also good for our ability for future.

        There are another big difference between Chinese family and US family----the number of children. In China, every couple should only have one child. Giving birth to more children will be fined. The reason about this policy is our large population. Most of US families inhave more children. In my opinion, I like to have borthers and sisters. And I have a younger borther, my family were fined for a big deal money when my borther was born.

Differences In Voting

Two weeks ago I experienced my first voting in US. Even I did not have te right to vote, I felt so exciting. This is the first time I am so close to voting. I went into the voting house with my friend just pass by, but to my surprise, the officers there are very welcome us to come. After giving the "observer" card, we could sit at the observer's seat and watched how the whole voting going. It was very interesting that we were not the only visitors, while I found 6 persons sit behind the register desk and watched carefully. One officer told us that they come from the two parties which involved in the voting. Observers can’t say anything with the voters in the voting house. Voters should register first and then fill in a form about some information. At last they could take the form to the private desks to finish and put it in the reading machine at the exit.
        I felt so excited about what I saw!! I knew that this voting is to choose the Government and Congress of Wisconsin State. Every US citizen who reached 18 years old and live or study in Wisconsin State have right to vote. My roommate Sarah is a freshman this year. She had expected the voting for long time, and she said it is very important for an American adult to vote. As we all know that the political system in US is followed with
Baron de Montesquieu’s famous theory “checks and balance”. They separated the power and made three state organs to charge different parts. And every part is independent.
While in China, even though we have voting, but I never see anybody who I known go to vote. Our voting seems a very mysterious thing that only little people know how it is going.  Even I had learned about our political system in high school, I still confused about how it work. I think China have a big space to improve our political system. I really hope one day every adult can vote in China in such a public way. The most important is that I hope the improving process is peaceful


Chinese minorities

China is a big family made by 56 nations, and the largest group is Han people. The other people come from 55 different minorities. These minorities have their own customs and traditions. Chinese government made some laws to protect minorities’ rights.

           These 55 minorities’ customs and traditions are different from each other. It can be seen easily from their traditional clothes and religions. Most minorities’ clothes are colorful and stand for variety of meanings. Such as Miao, every Miao girl should prepare their own bride dress by themselves since they were very young. The quality of the dress can show whether you are a good wife. A lot of minorities have their own original religions, such as some of them believe in sun, moon or a kind of nature thing. The most famous minority religion in China is Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan people are known for their pious belief. Every year, a large number of Tibetan people will go to pilgrimage, and it is really a hard work.
           Chinese government pays attention to help minorities people improve their life and respect their own customs and religions. So we have 5 minorities’ autonomous regions. These regions are charged by special government which made by their own minority people. Besides that, minority students have more help to enter college than Han people. They have 20 extra scores in the college exams.
     Even though we have some protections for minorities, they still struggling in their poor condition. Maybe keeping develop tourism and trying to set up their unique industry will give more hope.


Are you vote today!

        Today is the voting day! This is the first time I am so close to voting, even though I do not have the right to vote. I went into the voting house with my friends just pass by, but to my surprise, the officers there are very welcome us to come. After giving the "observer" card, we could sit at the observer's seat and watched how the whole voting going. It was very interesting that we were not the only visitors, while I found 6 persons sit behand the register desk and watched carefully. One officer told us that they come from the two parties which involved in the voting. Observers can not say anything with the voters in the voting house. Voters should register first and then fill in a form about some imformation. At last they could take the form to the private desks to finish and put it in the reading machine at the exit.
        I felt so excited about what I saw today!! I knew that this voting is to choose the Government and Congress of Wisconsin State. Every US citizen who reached 18 years old and live or study in Wisconsin State have right to vote. My roommate Sarah is a freshmen this year. She had expected the voting for long time,and she said it is very important for a American aldut to vote. While in China, even though we have voting, but I never see anybody who I kown go to vote. Our voting seems a very mysterious thing that only little people know how it is going.  I really hope one day every adult can vote in China in such a public way.
         One thing I felt so funny that every voter left voting house would be given a little tag which write"Are you vote today?"


Ropes Crouse!!!!!!

          We had a ropes crouse on last Friday! It was a very fun experience played with my dear classmates together! The weather was better than we expected. In fact, we enjoyed two hours warm sunshine during the last indian summer in Wisconsin.
          At the begining, I and Safa were partner to do a "guide and listener" game. It was a game which told me the importance of communicate with partner. My favorate game was the spider net! I felt so embarrassed that I just escaped form the a big and easy hole at first time. When I standed outside and saw other members in the net were still struggling to solve problem, I felt so upset. At the second time I felt better, everyone in our team worked together to pass the girls out from the small hole. It's so good we finish the game, just like we compelete a very big thing! I had to say, we all are great!
          I learned a lot from this course.As a individual, I experienced how great teamwork can bring us. I think all of us in the class know each other better through these games. It is much better than sitting in classroom, and I hope we can have another opportunity to have class like it!


Homecoming 2010

Last weekend was the 2010 Homecoming weekend in UWEC. It is one of the biggest school events in fall semester. At first, homecoming means a lot of graduated students come back to school to review the place where they spend their best ages. The students in campus made some activities to welcome these graduated students and it was also a good way to set up good relationship between them.
     After some years developing, homecoming change. It is not only the day for graduated students, but also the big day for all of students and a lot of residences. That because football team come back! Football game is the biggest activity in homecoming weekend. Many students’ clubs and organizations prepare so much for this game. Homecoming is not a simple school event, and it just like a festival which helps students keep old relationships and set up new relationships.
     I am so happy I can join in the “UWEC Homecoming 2010”. This year we have football game, dancing party and students’ demonstration. Although the weather was not very friendly that day, all the players and audiences were very excited! It is really a good opportunity for us to have fun and learn a lot!


tour to downtown

     This week I have a tour to downtown with my lovely partner Safa. We visted several historical buildings and took some pictures there. Walking in Eau Claire at afternoon is a very comfortable thing. The scenery of Chippewa River is really amazing and we enjoy talking to each other on the way.
      The first building we visit is Herman Schlegemilch. It is the first brick house in Eau Claire since 1871. The brick house is better than wood house to decrease the fire risky. Although it is nearly 140 years old, it still looks very new from outside.
      And then, the Cameron-Drummond Slagsvold Bldg is the most impressive building in our tour. I love its shape, just like a castle. It is used to be the largest commercial building in Eau Claire
        Through this tour, I learn a lot about downtown. At least, I know how to walk to downtown from campus.


My Definition of Culture

      When speak of a country or a place, we must mention its culture. In my opinion, culture is the most important identity of people who have same "root". In China, we have a lot of culture elements,such as thoughts, art, music, custom, religion,custume, language, food, even the way we thinking is also a part of culture. It seems that everyting in our life is related to our culture.Culture do not have a clear or simple definition, but we can fell what it is directly in our daliy life. Different places have their own cultures, while some of them are similar.  It is very interesting to compare different cultures and study how this kind of culture developed in its history. Study abroad is a very good way to experience different kind of culture.


The Difference

       Studying abroad is really a good way to experience different culture and lifestyle. The life here in UWEC have many differences with my home country----China. For me, the biggest difference is multiculture. There are less limits to the students' development in UWEC.  Students can feel free to decorate their rooms, arrange their schedule and express their different personalities. Professors like students have different ideas and encourage them to speak it out, even some ideas are conflict with theirs. While in China, our education prefer students get high marks in exams. Most Professors like students listen and accept their opinions. I can not compare which kind of education better, because every countries have their different situations and customs. There also are many different opinions between me and American students, such as religion, the attitude to modesty.  I learned much from their sincerity to Jesus, while they knew more about Chinese custom. I believe differences are not problems in communication, they give more space and topics let us konw each other.