
Ropes Crouse!!!!!!

          We had a ropes crouse on last Friday! It was a very fun experience played with my dear classmates together! The weather was better than we expected. In fact, we enjoyed two hours warm sunshine during the last indian summer in Wisconsin.
          At the begining, I and Safa were partner to do a "guide and listener" game. It was a game which told me the importance of communicate with partner. My favorate game was the spider net! I felt so embarrassed that I just escaped form the a big and easy hole at first time. When I standed outside and saw other members in the net were still struggling to solve problem, I felt so upset. At the second time I felt better, everyone in our team worked together to pass the girls out from the small hole. It's so good we finish the game, just like we compelete a very big thing! I had to say, we all are great!
          I learned a lot from this course.As a individual, I experienced how great teamwork can bring us. I think all of us in the class know each other better through these games. It is much better than sitting in classroom, and I hope we can have another opportunity to have class like it!

3 条评论:

  1. I agree with you Shan. It was the best class.
    And I think we both were embarrassed when we escaped through the biggest holes. But I think that helped us learn from our mistakes. And luckely we got a chance to play it again.

  2. I absolutely agree with you that this activity has made us getting closer. We steped outside our comfort zones and found out that it was not that bad.

  3. This class was the best one in terms of fun & learning. I really enjoyed the spider-net game as the game gave some work to the brain cells and was quite challenging. I appreciate that you made it through second time.
