
Chinese minorities

China is a big family made by 56 nations, and the largest group is Han people. The other people come from 55 different minorities. These minorities have their own customs and traditions. Chinese government made some laws to protect minorities’ rights.

           These 55 minorities’ customs and traditions are different from each other. It can be seen easily from their traditional clothes and religions. Most minorities’ clothes are colorful and stand for variety of meanings. Such as Miao, every Miao girl should prepare their own bride dress by themselves since they were very young. The quality of the dress can show whether you are a good wife. A lot of minorities have their own original religions, such as some of them believe in sun, moon or a kind of nature thing. The most famous minority religion in China is Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan people are known for their pious belief. Every year, a large number of Tibetan people will go to pilgrimage, and it is really a hard work.
           Chinese government pays attention to help minorities people improve their life and respect their own customs and religions. So we have 5 minorities’ autonomous regions. These regions are charged by special government which made by their own minority people. Besides that, minority students have more help to enter college than Han people. They have 20 extra scores in the college exams.
     Even though we have some protections for minorities, they still struggling in their poor condition. Maybe keeping develop tourism and trying to set up their unique industry will give more hope.

7 条评论:

  1. I am very impressed that in China, there is a law protecting minority's right.

  2. In my previous university, I have a lot of minority classmates. That very interesting! And most of minority gilrs are very beautiful!

  3. 此评论已被作者删除。

  4. Yes, I agree with you Jay. In china, many minority girls are very beautiful. Some of them have are very good at singing and dancing. My favorate singer is Sadingding. She come from Tibet, and her voice made me think of sky.

  5. I really like the way you described China as a big family comprising of 56 minorities. Even India has quotas for minorities but its 33 %.

  6. I liked the fact that Chinese government protects minorities. I think we are human and we all have the right to live in this planet regardless of our origin.

  7. Your goverment have good system to protect minorities. I agreey with you, we can help all minorities.....It is sad.
