
Differences In Voting

Two weeks ago I experienced my first voting in US. Even I did not have te right to vote, I felt so exciting. This is the first time I am so close to voting. I went into the voting house with my friend just pass by, but to my surprise, the officers there are very welcome us to come. After giving the "observer" card, we could sit at the observer's seat and watched how the whole voting going. It was very interesting that we were not the only visitors, while I found 6 persons sit behind the register desk and watched carefully. One officer told us that they come from the two parties which involved in the voting. Observers can’t say anything with the voters in the voting house. Voters should register first and then fill in a form about some information. At last they could take the form to the private desks to finish and put it in the reading machine at the exit.
        I felt so excited about what I saw!! I knew that this voting is to choose the Government and Congress of Wisconsin State. Every US citizen who reached 18 years old and live or study in Wisconsin State have right to vote. My roommate Sarah is a freshman this year. She had expected the voting for long time, and she said it is very important for an American adult to vote. As we all know that the political system in US is followed with
Baron de Montesquieu’s famous theory “checks and balance”. They separated the power and made three state organs to charge different parts. And every part is independent.
While in China, even though we have voting, but I never see anybody who I known go to vote. Our voting seems a very mysterious thing that only little people know how it is going.  Even I had learned about our political system in high school, I still confused about how it work. I think China have a big space to improve our political system. I really hope one day every adult can vote in China in such a public way. The most important is that I hope the improving process is peaceful

4 条评论:

  1. "Our voting seems a very mysterious thing", I like this kind of description. And I also want to have the chance like this to elect our goverment in the future.

  2. But still, you believe in people who were chosen, right?

  3. Not always, I believe in the people who did good job on their position.

  4. Why have not you seen people who go to vote in China??
