
Children's different treatments

When talking about children’s different treatments in both China and USA, I think the biggest difference is the concept of “choices”. In fact, a huge number of Chinese children do not have many choices during their growing up, in other words, we had better followed our parents or the whole society guidelines. Sometimes children feel so tired, because they have a big stress to be the person which their parents want them to be. It is normal that children have a lot of homework even they are only 6 or 7 years old. The relationship between children and their parents just like students and teachers. While on the other hand, as I said before, most Chinese families only have one child. That brings a lot of question to the young generation. Many of them feel lonely in spirit because no siblings share their happiness and sorrow.

Compared with China, I think American children have more colorful childhood. As I know form my friends or TV shows, American children have more choices during their own lives. They do not have much stress to satisfy their parents. I saw from my host family that children in family are totally equal to parents. They are encouraged to express their own ideas and critical thinking, even though some of these are very different with their parents’.
Actually, with the world contact with each other more frequently, a lot of Chinese parents change their ways to educate children and become much more flexible, but homework is still a big problem for kids. I am so lucky for my great parents, and they gave me a very beautiful childhood with no pressure to be a successful person in their mind. They just want me and my younger brother fell happy on both physical and mental in our whole life. Expect the boring homework, I had a perfect childhood.

4 条评论:

  1. Now, we should learn from American Children, and try to improve the critical thinking and colorful life.

  2. yep~ I think so! My American friends taught me a lot!

  3. It is good to see your parents understand children nature.

  4. In my opinion the perfect way to raise the children is the combination of the Chinese and Americans. because giving the child total freedom is not good, and restricting him is not good either. so some freedom in expressing himself with some guidness will teach him the critical thinking and respect to his parents.
