
The Difference

       Studying abroad is really a good way to experience different culture and lifestyle. The life here in UWEC have many differences with my home country----China. For me, the biggest difference is multiculture. There are less limits to the students' development in UWEC.  Students can feel free to decorate their rooms, arrange their schedule and express their different personalities. Professors like students have different ideas and encourage them to speak it out, even some ideas are conflict with theirs. While in China, our education prefer students get high marks in exams. Most Professors like students listen and accept their opinions. I can not compare which kind of education better, because every countries have their different situations and customs. There also are many different opinions between me and American students, such as religion, the attitude to modesty.  I learned much from their sincerity to Jesus, while they knew more about Chinese custom. I believe differences are not problems in communication, they give more space and topics let us konw each other.

1 条评论:

  1. Well said Shan! You will benefit from learning from both the American style of education and the Chinese style!
